

Immerse yourself in another world and take on the role of an African shrew. Experience the world from a different perspective, collect food and watch out for the dangers that can lurk everywhere…

Game Demo

If you want to immerse yourself in a world where you’re a tiny mouse, you can download the game demo here.

Logo Designed By Naomi Eijkelenkamp & Joelle Jackson

Crumbles is a VR experience where the player has to move through the market like an African shrew to look for food. Crumbles is for novice VR players who would like to experience a unique experience.


I was the Game Designer and Developer for this project. I had the privilege to work together with these talented people:

Milou Baars (Lead Game Artist)

Naomi Eijkelenkamp (Environment & Character Game Artist)

Faye Kievit (Character Game Artist)

Joelle Jackson (UI Artist/Designer)

Stef Duijkers (Music Designer)

Nick de Haas (Music Designer)

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