Energy Bots

Energy Bots Demo Video


In Energy Bots players look for the energy robots in their physical world. By using Augmented Reality the players find the energy bots and bring them back to their home base. When the players want to bring them home, they have to unlock them first by generating energy with them. For example, the player has to physically blow into their phone to make the windmills on the bots move.

Energy Bots Design by Naomi Eijkelenkamp

There are also energy bots that generate fossil fuel energy like nuclear or coal bots. The player has to find a balance with the different kinds of energy sources of the different energy bots for their home base. If they don’t, their island will turn brown and out of balance!

Island concept art by Milou Baars & Valery Huisman

Both types of bots, the green and the fossil fuel bots, each have their good and bad sides. For example, the windmill bots produce renewable energy, but also kill birds. And the coal bots produce the cheapest form of energy, but produce lots of air pollution. Thus the player has to find the perfect balance!


You can download our demo version here.


Energy Bots is an innovative and fun AR mobile game. I was the game designer and co-developer of this project and was privileged to work with a bunch of talented people, you can click on their names to find more of their work:

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